



  How do you think people do not visit museums in their local areas? What are

  the importance of museums to society? We live in cities or towns which have

  museums displaying historical and cultural importance, but people do not visit















    Museums are usually sites of attraction for visitors from elsewhere rather

  than local habitats. Nowadays, good museums everywhere mix education with

  entertainment, but people do not feel like visiting museums in their familiar

  cities and towns; instead, chiefly out of curiosity they tour museums when they

  travel to new places. The reason behind is that curiosity is stronger than



  When it comes to visiting a tourist establishment, familiarity does not

  breed attraction. This is why people are not particularly motivated to set foot

  in museums near where they live, even if admissions are free. Although many

  people in cities and towns are aware that objects on display are valuable to

  local society, it is enough for them to be sure that things of historical and

  cultural importance are safe there. Generally speaking, visiting a local museum

  is rarely considered as that kind of experience which they are waiting for. In

  the mind of a tourist, a new experience is expected to be found only in a new

  place, probably beyond borders. That is to say, people usually do not imagine

  that local museums with which they are familiar could be as amusing and

  surprising as those in other parts of the world.


  On the other hand, curiosity often finds expression in enjoying unfamiliar

  events, such as visiting museums far away which claim to house historical and

  cultural treasures of distant civilizations. In view of this, it is not

  difficult to explain why people visit museums, referring to in person not one

  line. The question is why people do not visit museums in their local areas. To

  illustrate, an analogy can be made touring a museum in a new place is like

  having the fun of windowshopping whereas visiting a local museum is like

  reviewing old objects in a backyard warehouse. Of course, there are feelings of

  two different kinds, given that museums are meant to educate and entertain

  people just the same. As such, it is not that museums in local areas are less

  important, but that museums in less understood backgrounds may sound a lot more



  In sum, people are not curious about local museums which they think they

  know well enough and they no need to know more. By visiting museums in new

  places, they are in for surprises, besides obtaining an amount of knowledge and

  pleasure that may feed their curiosity. More often than not, museums attract

  more tourists from other places than local resident.


上一篇:【分析】探访晋祠博物馆,自驾游胜地,攻略详解 下一篇:【提问】新龙门客栈定档0406 娄艺潇搭档陈志朋上演奇幻国风新武侠